Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Are Our Best Sexual Years Behind Us?

Over 50, over the hill.

You're tired, you're bored. You don't look or feel as good as you did when you were thirty. Neither does your partner.
Great sex is just in your dreams.

It's unfortunate, but that's what many of us past 50 think.

Bah, Humbug!

I'm here to tell you, at your age you should know better.
And, as my grandson would say, "Get over it!"

You know where sexual feeling starts? In your head.

Before you can have enjoyable, satisfying sex, you have to change your way if thinking. You have to stop believing that all those things mentioned above matter.

The fact is you are still capable of feeling pleasure. You are still capable of having feelings of physical love and desire for your partner.

50 plus Ain't What it Used To Be.

Look around. 50 (and over) isn't what it used to be. Sting, Harrison Ford, Jeff Bridges. Goldie Hawn, Cybil Shepard, Tina Turner. Need I go on?

I'm sure I don't have to tell you this -- baby boomers have changed everything. We are the generation that refuses to "act our age."

Here Are The Facts.

The quality of our sex after 50 is different. Not worse -- different. Yes, our sexual responses change from what they were when we were younger.


For example, a man seldom gets an erection simply by viewing his partner. That doesn't mean he isn't aroused or interested. After 35 or 40, a man needs direct stimulation of the penis to get an erection. Once he understands this he can learn to appreciate the slower build-up of sexual tension and enjoy a wider range of sensations -not just in the penis, but the whole body. He enters a new phase of his sexual development. He is now more able to experience the pleasures of giving satisfaction not just receiving it.

If a man is healthy physically, there is no reason why he can't continue to have erections and enjoy sex into old age.


Many women fear that menopause means the end of their sex life.
It's actually just the opposite.

Women report that instead of experiencing declining sexual desire as they anticipated, their desire increases following menopause.

The shift in a woman's hormonal balance increases her libido and the ability to have orgasms. In fact, a woman's ability to have multiple orgasms is not affected by her age and her orgasms are often more intense.

In addition, many women past 50 find they can be more assertive than they were in their thirties. And many men find that a turn-on.

Don't Let Your Head Get in The Way.

Emotional maturity and self confidence of both men and women in their fifties allows for a more intimate relationship, sustainable for many years to come

And lest we forget at any age, the physical and psychological benefits of sex are numerous-everything from reducing stress to easing of depression.

Here's to your health!

For other articles of interest to those over 50 (seniors and boomers) visit www.LetLifeIn.com. With a cutting edge and a (sometimes irreverent) sense of humor, LetLifeIn.com explores all aspects of being 50+ -- the concerns, the issues, and the controversies as well as the fun stuff.