Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sugar Daddies and the Women Who Love Them

The dictionary describes a Sugar Daddy as a wealthy older man who gives a young person expensive gifts in return for companionship or intimacy. In the 30’s, sugar daddies were a staple in movie comedies and musicals. Today, thanks to the internet, they are more sought after than ever. If you have an opinion on this topic please let us know
What follows are excerpts from a web forum whose participants are older wealthy men and younger women who are looking for them.
“I happen to want something more than a straight swap of money for sex. I am looking for a young girl to have as a lover and a friend, someone who will help me feel young while I ease her financial burden and show her the good life. A straight money exchange implies the person might not even like you... what's the allure of that?”
“For myself, this is how I see my role as a sugar daddy. I am not looking for an arrangement to meet once or twice a month. I have been very successful in my career and I am looking for someone to share the good times with me. To me that means helping a special woman out there in her daily life so that she can have the freedom to enjoy life with me and not have to worry about the everyday problems of having to support herself.”
“I think we all have to be honest and admit we are all here for a reason no matter how you sugarcoat it. We all have different thoughts yes. Some men act like women should be jumping for them because they claim to have money. Some girls may jump. If I have a daddy he will be well taken care of out of respect and desire not money. Money is a bonus.”
“I know what I want and that is to meet a gentlemen who will give me allowances, take me shopping, etc. In return I will be the hot female on his arm, among other things. I'm looking for help financially, but not a relationship. Well maybe, if it's right.”
“I figured it would be easy to find a nice gentlemen who wanted a beautiful lady to spoil BUT I come to find out there's only ONE way to get spoiled HAVE SEX WITH THESE MEN OR NO SPOILING.”
“The type of man I want to be with is able to take care of me. Women are biologically attracted to men with money, just like men are biologically attracted to a small waist and full lips. It's facts of life.”
“I'm only looking for adventure and sure sex is part of adventure as well as communication, honesty and trust. I do let any gentlemen know in advance that I expect to receive perks, gratuity, and benefits for my time and companionship.”
“.....perks, gratuities, and benefits for your time and companionship"???????? lol I hate to sound insulting, but I think this is where the line is crossed. You are wanting to get paid for services rendered...I'm sorry but this sounds too much like a business deal (prostitution).”
“For me personally, I refuse to feel treated like a transaction. Foremost, I am a woman. I want someone who will spoil me and become an asset in my life because they care about me. Now don't misunderstand me, I am not asking for someone's hand in marriage, but sex without emotion TO ME equivocates prostitution... a transaction.”
“Some view it as a straight business arrangement and if that's what makes both of them happy, then great! However, that's not exactly for me. I actually have a brain, so I'd like to be treated as more than just arm candy. Just like I'm sure the guy has a personality and feelings, so he'd like to be treated as more than just an ATM. That's just my two cents!”
“My ideas differ from most I guess. I like the idea of here and there weekends somewhere, sharing my time and fun with a beautiful young lady. I pay all expenses and then some and she enjoys a great time with me. It's what it is...but it works! No expectations other than a good time. I just don’t have time for "feelings" and such that are the result of a normal relationship. But I am fun and nice and have had NO complaints!”
I am looking for something I have been missing for a long time...excitement, fun, flirtation, as well as a little "love.” In return, I will help this lady with things she must, car payment, allowance, etc... This is reality, not the movies. I really don't think I am going to find some Cover girl, who will fall in love with me, and ladies, if you are looking for Richard Gere in "Pretty Woman", I think you are going to be disappointed. If we realize, that we are real people in search of something, I think we will all do alright. I hope so anyway.”

For other articles of interest to those over 50 (seniors and boomers) visit With a cutting edge and a (sometimes irreverent) sense of humor, explores all aspects of being 50+ -- the concerns, the issues, and the controversies as well as the fun stuff.