Thursday, May 24, 2007

Joe Pesci: A Life of Surprises

Has anybody seen Joe Pesci lately?
He's around but believe it or not, he hasn't made a movie in over 5 years.

Here's the scoop!

Joe has recently said," I've given my whole life to show business. I'd like to find out about another part of life, a more relaxing and spiritual part and a more enjoyable part."

Martin Scorsese: A Spiritual Leader

Joe, speaking of Scorsese has said, "In my eyes, he is a great spiritual leader. Even though many people think that Martin, Bob (DeNiro) and I are ambassadors of violence, I can assure you, we detest it as much as everyone else. But, under Martin's watchful and meticulous eyes, he tries to show how terrible and violent life can be. If you never see the evil man can do, you will never long for the goodness."

You should see Martin on the set when he's talking about any subject. He's so inspirational. Sometimes there are actors and crew members sitting on the floor around him like a flock listening to the shepherd. I've never seen film crews more eager to work and please "the Master".

"For me, Martin has awakened my spiritual side to unbelievable heights. We talk for hours about life, death and spirituality. I can't say enough about how much I love and respect him. Honest to God."

Joe's famous scene

Joe has been referred to as consummate character actor. He has appeared in 3 films directed by Scorsese (Raging Bull, Goodfellas
and Casino). He won an Academy award for Goodfellas as probably the all-time menacing crazy mobster. His famous rant is a classic, and is often repeated in bars across the country when guys have had one too many.

I'm funny how?

Here it is. Try it on your friends.

"What do ya mean, funny? Let me understand this cause, I don't know maybe its me, I'm a little f...... up maybe, but I'm funny how? I mean, funny like I'm a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh........? I'm here to f....'amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How am I funny?

Joe holds the world's record and dubious distinction of saying the "f" word about 120 times in Goodfellas.


Joe was born February 9, 1943 in Newark, New Jersey. He started his career in radio as a child actor at the age of four. When he was 10, he was a regular on the TV variety show, Star Time Kids.

Little Joe sure can sing

Joe's acting career hit a lull in his teenage years. In his early 20's, however, he began a musical career under the name of Joe Ritchie. He had an LP called, Little Joe Sure Can Sing

Let's twist

I can't picture this either, but, remember Joey Dee and the Starliters of Peppermint Lounge fame? Joe was their guitar player.

Not counting Let's Twist, a 1961 film he appeared in, Joe made only film, The Death Collector, in 1975. It went virtually unnoticed and Joe decided to give up his acting career, what there was of it.

He returned to New York and ran an Italian restaurant.

"I couldn't get any jobs, and when that happens you get so humble its disgusting. I didn't feel like a man anymore........ I felt really creepy. I was bumping into walls saying, 'Excuse Me'."

"My daughter is the one really great thing that came out of my early life. I'm a good father now. I wish I'd been a good one back then.

The Death Collector as career move

One of the few people who saw Death Collector, was Robert DeNiro. He was impressed by Pesci's performance and brought the film to the attention of Scorsese.

Scorsese cast Pesci as Jake LaMotta's brother in arguably the best film of the Eighties, Raging Bull. The performance earned Pesci an Academy Award nomination as Best Supporting Actor.

The rest, as they say, is history.

Joe has made 24 films. Among them are the 3 Scorsese films mentioned above, Lethal Weapon 1, 2, 3 and 4, Home Alone 1 and 2, My Cousin Vinny, JFK, and Once Upon a Time in America.
To purchase Joe's movies, click here.


Lethal Weapon 4 (1998)
Gone Fishin (1997)
8 Heads in a Duffel Bag (1996)
Casino (1995)
Jimmy Hollywood (1994)
With Honors (1994)
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992)
Lethal Weapon 3 (1992)
My Cousin Vinny (1992)
The Public Eye (1992)
Ruby's Dream (1992)
JFK (1991)
The Super (1991)
Betsy's Wedding ( 1990)
Goodfellas (1990)
Home Alone (1990)
Lethal Weapon 2 (1989)
Man on Fire (1987)
Once Upon a Time in America (1984)
Easy Money (1983)
I'm Dancing as Fast as I Can (1982)
Eureka! (1981)
Raging Bull (1980)
Family Enforcer (aka The Death Collector) (1976)

For other articles of interest to those over 50 (seniors and boomers) visit With a cutting edge and a (sometimes irreverent) sense of humor, explores all aspects of being 50+ -- the concerns, the issues, and the controversies as well as the fun stuff.