Thursday, May 10, 2007

We Are No Longer Boomers. We Are YAPS.

To refresh your memory, a third of the US population ---76 million of us– were born between 1946 and 1964. We were the “baby boomers.”

Boomers had monumental effect on virtually every American institution throughout their lives such as media, education, politics and consumerism.

We were a force to be reckoned with.

What about now? Are we still a force to be reckoned with?

Yes, I think so. But the tag “baby boomer” is meaningless to us. Today the term seems archaic. It described who we were then, not who we are now.

Who are we, we baby boomers and what are we like today?

Our ages today are about 50—65, give or take a few years on both ends. Not yet seniors, we are pre-seniors. (The terms “pre-senior” and “senior” or “senior citizen” can often be a state of mind and need not coincide with a person’s actual numerical age. How one perceives oneself is the key).

So, here's what I propose: From now on, start calling us by a term we can identify with. Are you ready? We are YAPS. Y-A-P-S. Youthful, Active, Pre-Seniors. (You can call us "Yappies", if you like.)

What YAPS are like:

YAPS are youthful in appearance and attitude. We try to stay active. We exercise, watch our diet and eat healthier than those Gen X-ers half our age. As the NY Times has pointed out, the average age of the 5 directors nominated for Academy Awards this year is 60. Clint Eastwood, the winner, is 71.

We still listen to rock ‘n roll (classic rock, not rap or hip-hop), are fashion conscious, get nipped and tucked when need be and have romantic inclinations.

YAPS lead active sex lives and are Viagra’s prime market. We are prominent in the work force, are politically motivated, surf and shop the internet, play video games (really), take vacations, frequent restaurants, travel, buy luxury items (more than any other demographic) such as plasma TVs, new cars, boats and houses.. We help provide for our children, spoil our grandchildren, and today more than ever, take care of our aging parents.

YAPS are a demographic.

The YAPS demographic is growing faster than you can shake a stick.

When you consider that every 7 seconds someone turns 50, that means the “YAPPIE” population increases every 7 seconds. The mind boggles at our numbers and the power we can (still) yield.

Sadly, we are a virtually untapped market. So marketers, wake up and start tapping. We are tired of being ignored. YAPS will spend upward of three trillion dollars in 2005 on anything and everything that prolongs our (forgive me) yappiness.

We do NOT roll over and play dead once we turn 50. We are still that “narcissistic, self indulgent group” we were when we were baby boomers, and we still believe the world owes us a living. We are alive and kicking, and don’t you forget it

Fitting into pop-culture

We think the time is right for our segment of the population to be recognized, appreciated and have our very own pop designation.

There were hippies, yippies, and yuppies.
2005 is definitely the year of the YAPS!

Long live the ‘Yappies!’

For other articles of interest to those over 50 (seniors and boomers) visit With a cutting edge and a (sometimes irreverent) sense of humor, explores all aspects of being 50+ -- the concerns, the issues, and the controversies as well as the fun stuff.